Disable Inactivity Notification During Maintenance Window

Planned maintenance activities can sometimes cause temporary device outages within your iMonnit network. To prevent an influx of unnecessary alerts during these periods, iMonnit allows you to selectively disable Inactivity notifications. This ensures you are only notified of critical issues.

For more information about inactivity alerts please see the Setting Inactivity Alert Times article.

The Device Inactivity Status Rule creation process within iMonnit features a checkbox to enable "Ignore condition during active maintenance window" on step 3 (Choose a Condition). Enabling this feature on Inactivity Rules ignores the inactivity that occurs during the specified Maintenance Window. The Rule returns to operation once the Maintenance Window has closed.

❕Tip: Maintenance Window dates/times are displayed in a pop-up window in the iMonnit portal on login and also emailed according to a User's Notification Details.

Select the check box to enable the feature.

The feature may also be enabled on existing Inactivity Rules by going to the Conditions tab when editing Rules.

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