Using Notification Groups in iMonnit Online

Notification Groups in iMonnit Online allow for a group of Users to receive an alert from a Rule Task. A Rule can deliver an alert if a single User is configured as a Recipient, but a Notification Group allows for a single election of the group to send to multiple Users. This allows for easy configuration and tracking when delivering alerts to multiple Users. For example, if your office has a day shift and night shift of different workers, you might consider configuring Notification Groups for the day shift and night shift separately. You could then add and remove Users from the day shift and night shift Notification Groups, rather than having to add/remove Users as Recipients on each individual Rule.

Configuring Notification Groups is a streamlined process which may save time and effort in the future when managing multiple Users and Rules.

Note: A recipient in a Notification Group must be configured as a User, In order to have multiple Users on an account, a Premiere subscription is required. Therefore, A Premiere subscription is required for the use of Notification Groups.

Create a Notification Group

  • Select Users on the left hand pane.
  • Select the Notification Groups button.

    Notification Groups Button
  • Select the + Group button.

    New Group Button
  • Enter a Group name in the Name field.
  • Click Save.

  • Select which delivery method or methods for each User. Click on the icons listed under Email, SMS, Voice and Push columns to select or deselect that delivery method. A Green icon means the notification is enabled. Recipients can be filtered to narrow the search in the Filter by recipient... text box.

A delay can be setup by clicking on the text directly under the icon. A delay can be set to Off, No Delay, or a range varying from 2 minutes to 24 hours. Scroll up or down the view the selections and click Set to choose that type of delay.

  • Click Save to complete changes.

Edit a Notification Group

  • Select Users.
  • Select Notification Groups.
  • Select the three dots.
  • Select Settings.

Select or deselect the icons to enable or disable delivery method per User, or change the delay.

Click Save.

Delete a Notification Group

  • Select Users.
  • Select Notification Groups.
  • Select the three dots.
  • Click Delete Group.

How to send alerts to a notification group

If a new rule is being created, select Send Alert during step 4 Set Up Tasks

If an existing Rule is being edited: Select Rules on the left hand pane > Select the Rule > Select Tasks > Select Edit Alert.

Select the Notification Group or Groups to apply to that Rule. Green means the Notification group is enabled. Gray indicates the Notification Group is disabled. Individual recipients below can be configured to receive notifications to this same rule without remaining separate from the Notification Group.

  • Click Save to finish changes.

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