iMonnit REST API Authentication
The Rest API allows users to integrate their sensor data into 3rd party applications. REST API calls can be made from programming language of your choice. Responses are served as either XML (Extensible Markup Language) or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
Note: Overuse can result in revocation of API portal.
Overuse Example: making the same call more often than the data is updated (Datamessage Methods: 1 request per 10 minutes). Please utilize the webhook for real time Datamessages.
We have implemented a new policy and all users are now limited to running API calls serially, one at a time. If your system previously made calls to API endpoints in parallel, you will need to modify your processes to wait for the return of each call before making the next one. Otherwise, your parallel calls may encounter an error indicating API call rate exceeded.
To request a larger data load, Please contact support (
*All Dates are in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) both for the input and for the output.
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How to create API Key & Secret Key
Using the iMonnit API Explorer
APIs use authorization to ensure that client requests access data securely. The APIKeyID and the APISecretKey both need to be included as headers in the posted request.
Select Api Keys in the iMonnit Online Portal to create API keys.
Our parameters will need to be passed in the request as Param entries. The Parameter name will be set as the Key and the parameter value will be set as the Value.
How to create API Key & Secret Key
A User must be an Administrator on the account to manage API Keys.
- Log In
- Select <>API.
- Select API Keys.
- Select + Generate Key.
- Name the Key to your preference.
- Select Generate.
- Make sure to store the API Key ID and the API Secret Key securely.
- Select "I have finished copying!".
Note: The API Secret Key will only be displayed once, if the mentioned key is lost it will be necessary to generate new API Key IDs and API Secret Key.
Test iMonnit's REST APIs
Using iMonnit API Explorer
To test API calls the iMonnit Online Portal offers an API Explorer.
Using Postman
You can also test REST API calls using a third-party application such as Postman:
Download and install Postman.
Choose the REST API Call you wish to test.
- Log In iMonnit Online.
- Select <> API on the Main Menu.
- Select the Select API Type dropdown list at the bottom of the page.
- Expand the REST API section you'd like to test.
- Select Try this API.
- The Response Format choice, Request URL, Headers and parameters for that call will be displayed; this information will be necessary to test the call using Postman.
Using Postman
- Open Postman.
- Select "Workspaces".
- Select an existing Workspace or create a new Workspace.
- Select the + button.
- Make sure POST is selected on the type of call section.
- Paste the URL found in the API Explorer in iMonnit Online.
- Select Headers.
- On the "Key" Column:
- First Row: APIKeyID
- Second Row: APISecretKey
- On the Value column fill out the APIKeyID and APISecretKey with the authentication values generated by following the steps mentioned above.
Note: The default "hidden" headers will be set appropriately, but you will want to confirm:
Fields circled Green are Required, and Fields circled Orange are Recommended.
- Select "Params" (Parameters).
- Under the Key Column enter the parameter key name as displayed in the API Explorer.
- Under the Value Column enter the desired value according to API Explorer.
- Select "Send" right by the URL on the top of the page.
- See the Results at the bottom of the page.