Installing the Glycol Temperature Buffer


The Glycol Temperature Buffer uses food-grade glycol diluted in deionized water as a medium for slowing down the rate of temperature change. While the glycol solution is non-toxic, we recommend that you wear latex gloves and safety glasses before handling.

To properly use the Glycol Temperature Buffer, you need a Monnit Temperature Sensor with a waterproof lead. If you do not have a temperature sensor with a waterproof lead, you may purchase one through our website or contact your Monnit sales representative.

The Glycol Buffer is Not intended for use with Monnit High and Low Temperature Sensors. Please consult your sales representative with questions.

Installation Steps

Before you begin: Temperature sensors purchased before Oct 2, 2020, do not support the new Glycol Temperature Buffer as they are not waterproof at the end. Please use the Monnit Glass Bead Buffer.

If you do not know when you purchased your temperature sensor, you can identify your lead compatibility by looking at these examples:

temperature sensor lead types

Step 1.

Push the lead through the center of the gland. Push enough through that the lead will be in the center of the bottle.

To ensure a proper seal, you must pull back on the lead 1/8" to seal the gland.

insert the lead

Step 2.

Remove the cap from the glycol bottle. Pull back the foil seal and discard.

remove lid

Step 3.

Twist the bottle and cap together. Do not overtighten.

replace the lid

The Glycol Temperature Buffer is now ready to place.

For more information about this glycol solution, please see the data sheet.

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