Next Temperature Sensor Configuration & Installation Guide

Next Temperature Sensor Configuration & Installation Guide


The Next Wi-Fi Standard Temperature Sensor uses a Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) thermistor to measure temperature. When measuring, the sensor momentarily energizes the thermistor in series with a precision resistor, producing a voltage directly proportional to the temperature. The sensor converts the analog voltage signal to a digital value and calculates the temperature.

Settings to Configure

The instructions to configure standard Next Sensor and Wi-Fi network settings are available in the Next Sensor Quick Start Guide and Next General Information Guide. The settings below are specific to the Next Temperature Sensor:

  • Below—Temperatures measured below this value will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State.
  • Above—Temperatures measured above this value will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State.
  • Aware State Buffer—Prevents the sensor from bouncing between Standard Operation and Aware State when readings are very close to a threshold.

For example, if you set a Maximum Threshold (Above) to 90° and a Hysteresis of 1°, once the sensor takes an assessment of 90.0° and enters the Aware State, it will remain in the Aware State until the temperature drops to 89.0°.

Similarly, at the Minimum Threshold (Below), the temperature must rise a degree above the threshold to return to Standard Operation.


The Next Temperature Sensor has two calibration ranges to improve accuracy:

  • Range 1: Adjusts accuracy from -40°C to 58°C.
  • Range 2: Adjusts accuracy from 58°C to 125°C.

We recommend calibrating between -30°C and 40°C (ideally at 7°C) for Range 1 and 70°C and 100°C (ideally at 95°C or highest temperature in application between 70°C and 95 °C) for Range 2.

Calibrating outside of these recommended ranges can be performed to produce better measurements at the point of calibration but may produce less accurate average readings across the entire range.

Calibration Steps:

  1. Place the temperature lead in a stable temperature environment within one of the recommended ranges until the readings stabilize.
  2. Enter the actual temperature in the text box and press Calibrate.
  3. Keep sensor in stable temperature till sensor checks in and the "Settings Update Pending" icon clears from the sensor UI.

Sensor Scale Settings

To adjust the sensor scale settings:

  1. Click the scale icon at the far right of the top menu in iMonnit.

  1. With the Next Temperature Sensor, you can display temperature values in either:
  • Fahrenheit
  • Celsius

Installation Steps

Step 1:

Follow the installation and setup steps in the Next Wi-Fi Sensor General Information Guide.

Step 2:

Configure the sensor's settings and scale information in iMonnit for your specific application or use case.

Step 3:

Route or place the lead as needed.



Detailed Problem Description


Hardware Error is Reported in iMonnit The sensor base can't communicate with the measurement circuitry. STS is set to 2. This condition is caused by the lead temperature being out of range of the sensor(-40°C to +125°C) or by an internal hardware failure. If this condition occurs all the time, try setting default configurations. If a hardware error occurs occasionally, move the temperature lead into a room-temperature environment. If the problem persists, contact Monnit Technical Support for further guidance.
Calibration Did not Adjust Temperature as Expected Temperature reading after "Settings Update Pending" icon clears does not read as expected. Before calibrating the sensor, ensure it is in a stable temperature environment and within the correct range. (Range1 between -30°C and 20°C ideal at 7°C, Range 2 between 90°C and 120°C ideal at 114°C) Ensure the sensor lead is at a constant temperature during the previous five reported measurements—stable (within 0.5°C or each other). A faster Heartbeat is useful when calibrating to ensure the temperature stays consistent. With these conditions met, the calibration should be successful. If the problem persists, contact Monnit Technical Support for further guidance.
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