User Preferences in iMonnit

This page allows you to personalize your iMonnit experience by controlling how information is displayed and how you receive notifications.

  • Date Format: Select how dates are displayed throughout iMonnit (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD).
  • Time Format: Choose between 12-hour format (e.g., 8:48 PM), 24-hour format (e.g., 20:48), or if seconds should be displayed or not.
  • Language: Pick your preferred language for the iMonnit interface.
  • Default Chart Display: It defines the default number of days displayed on the chart within the Sensor's Display page.

Notification preference setting applies only to pop-up notifications. Notifications set within Rules are unaffected.

  • Maintenance Pop-up Level: Customize how often you see pop-up notifications for maintenance tasks on your sensors or gateways. Here are your options:
    • Never: No pop-up alerts for maintenance.
    • Seldom: Alerts only for critical maintenance where downtime is expected.
    • Often (Default): Alerts for maintenance where system degradation or downtime is possible.
    • Always: Receive all maintenance notifications, including routine maintenance with no anticipated issues.
  • Maintenance Notification Level: Similar to pop-ups, this controls the frequency of email or text message notifications you receive about maintenance needs. The options are identical to the pop-up level:
    • Never: No email/text notifications for maintenance.
    • Seldom: Alerts only for critical maintenance where downtime is expected.
    • Often (Default): Alerts for maintenance where system degradation or downtime is possible.
    • Always: Receive all maintenance notifications, including routine maintenance with no anticipated issues.

Tip: For a quick reference to the information about maintenance notification levels, click the question mark icon (Key) in the top right corner of this section within the User Preferences page.

  • Location Sorting: Define how your sensor locations are listed within iMonnit. You might be able to sort alphabetically, or by sensor Status (Online, offline, notifying or displaying errors) .
  • Landing Page URL: Set the iMonnit Portal page you see when you first log in to iMonnit. By default, it will be the dashboard in iMonnit's Home page.

Make sure to Select "Save" to apply any settings change.

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