NIST Certification
Monnit offers NIST-traceable calibration certificates for select temperature and humidity sensors. These lab-issued certificates ensure sensor readings align with NIST standards, critical for applications demanding high measurement accuracy. You can choose to purchase sensors pre-certified by Monnit or send your existing sensors in for calibration.
NIST Certificate Duration
Low Temperature Sensors: 13-month certificate.
Humidity Sensors: 7-month certificate.
Temperature Sensors: 25-month certificate.
NIST Recertification
To initiate the NIST recertification process for your sensor, please contact your dedicated sales representative. They will likely be the same individual who assisted you with the initial sensor certification. If you are unsure of their contact information, reach out to for assistance.
Make sure to include the Sensor's ID and Part Number, which can be found in iMonnit Online, in the sensor's Settings Page under "Sensor Info"
Once a sales representative is contacted, they will generate a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) so the sensor can be sent to the certification lab for processing and subsequent return.
The entire recertification process is estimated to take approximately four weeks.
NIST Certification Expiration Notification - iMonnit Online
The iMonnit Online Software automatically notifies users 90 days prior to the certification expiration date.
Furthermore, iMonnit Online automatically displays all expiring NIST certificates on the portal's home page under the "Account Info" section.
Interested? Contact us!
Phone: 801.561.5555 Option 1