How to use the Monnit Wi-Fi Console Tool

In case of difficulties with the connection of your Wi-Fi sensor or experiencing issues in maintaining a stable connection with your Wi-Fi router explore the steps outlined below to check if the communication port is open for your sensor to connect to our server. Utilize the following tool to facilitate a successful connection.

Please only use this tool if requested by support.

Getting started - Set Up - Summary of steps

  • First, please open a browser and Download the Console tool
  • Once you have the .zip file extract the files
    • Extracting to the Desktop of the computer, inside a new folder, will make the file easier to find.
  • Replace the sensor batteries.
    • Remove the batteries from the Wi-Fi sensor for one minute and replace them with new batteries.
  • Make sure the "Monnit Wi-Fi Sensor Utility" software is closed.
  • Open the Wi-Fi Console Tool
    •  Double-click the icon in the folder you just created.
  • Plug the cable into the computer and into the sensor.
  • Insert the batteries.
  • Confirm the device is recognized by the computer:
    • Launch device manager, look for the category Ports (COM and LPT) and make sure your device is listed there.
  • You should see a window like the one below.

  • Click “Refresh Ports”.
  • Click the port drop-down and make sure you choose the correct port.
    • The software will automatically choose the port it thinks is the correct one, but there are cases where choosing manually is required.
  • Click “Open Port”.
  • You should now see the following (with your COM port chosen):

  • Click “(Re)Connect Console”.

Whenever working with the console tool you will want to see an “OK” status every time before clicking on any button. Clicking “(Re)Connect Console” ensures that the sensor is connected and if everything is ok it will generate an Ok status as shown in the image below.

Using the Wi-Fi Console tool

Run sensor

This will force the sensor to take a reading, it will report:


Battery Voltage (VBatt)

MacAddress (MAC Addr)

Firmware Version (Mowi Sensor V)

Run Gateway

This will force the sensor to try to connect to iMonnit, during this process it is possible to see the sensor scanning for networks, connecting, requesting an IP, resolving DNS and sending data. If it is successful a “SEQUENCE SUCCESS” Message will appear

Key Feature – Force Send Sensor Message

To force your sensor to send a message to iMonnit you will want to do the following steps, make sure to NOT SKIP any.

1.      Select “(Re}Connect Console”

2.      Select “Run Sensor”

3.      Select “(Re}Connect Console”

4.      Select “Run Gateway”

5.      Select “(Re}Connect Console”

This will force a sensor reading to iMonnit, you should seethe reading within 5 Minutes.

Checking for Wi-Fi Networks nearby

The “Run Active Scan” button makes the sensor scan for 2GWi-Fi networks nearby and list them in the logs below.

This feature helps to find out if your sensor is able to see your network in general, that is usually the first step to figure out if your Wi-Fi Access Point is compatible with Monnit’s Wi-Fi Sensor.

Configure Sensor

First, it is important to make sure that the Logs show an “OK” message as the last message by clicking on the “(Re)Connect Console” button.

Then Select “Configure Sensor”

This allows you to send configurations to your sensor, you are able to set the Wi-Fi network, Static network configurations as well as pointing the sensor to communicate to a different server address.

Resetting Sensor to Factory – Recover Sensor

Make sure that the Logs show an “OK” message as the last message by clicking on the “(Re)Connect Console” button.

Select “Recover Sensor”


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