Understanding the LED of Monnit MoWi Wi-Fi sensors

This article will help you understand the behavior of the LED light on Monnit Wi-Fi sensors (MoWi Sensors) in different scenarios.

When Batteries are Inserted

As soon as you insert the batteries, a few scenarios could happen, but the LEDs will let you know exactly what is happening.

  • One RED flash

    If this happens it means that the sensor cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network. This is caused by one of the following:

  • No network security has been stored in the sensor.
  • There is no open (unsecured) Wi-Fi network.
  • The programmed Wi-Fi network cannot be found.
  • Two slow RED flashes

    Red flashes mean the batteries are too low for the sensor to operate. New batteries are needed..

    Two Slow Flashes

  • GREEN flashes

    If you see this, the sensor has found a Wi-Fi network and is authorizing network credentials.

  • GREEN flashes – End on GREEN

    When this happens, the sensor has successfully connected to the Wi-Fi network.

Green Flashes - End on Green

  • GREEN flashes – End on RED

    If you see this, the sensor could not complete the authorization. Either the network SSID or security key does not match, or there was another communication problem.

    Green flashes - End on Red

  • 20 second Red Flash

    If you see this, your sensor may be unable to communicate with your PC. In this case, the sensor may need to be sent to Monnit for repair.

When Tethered to a Computer via USB Programming Cable

When first tethered to the computer the following LED light sequence should be expected: RED, GREEN, OFF, RED, GREEN, OFF.

Once the computer acknowledges the connection, the light should just flash GREEN.

Once the sensor is disconnected from the computer the sensor will try to connect to the Wi-Fi network. You will you see one of the following LED behaviors:

  • It flashes GREEN and ends on GREEN.

    This means it was connected successfully.

  • It flashes GREEN but ends on RED.

    If this happens reconnect the sensor to the computer and verify the network SSID and security key are correct.

During Sensor Operation:

Once the sensor has been set up and operating normally, the light will not flash to save the battery.

If you wish to enable the LED for normal operation, giving you visual confirmation of communication, you have the power to do so from the iMonnit Online Portal. When enabled, the LED will flash, indicating that network communication is occurring, and sensor data is being delivered to the online system.

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