Notification Credit Cost Per Country
When using the Direct Delivery SMS feature (information regarding the difference between the External Delivery and Direct SMS can be found here), Notification Credits are charged to delivery the SMS messages from Monnit. The number of Notification Credits charged for each message depends on the country to which the message is being delivered. This is listed below.
Afghanistan: 2 | Ghana: 2 | Palau: 10 |
Albania: 5 | Gibraltar: 2 | Palestine: 5 |
Algeria: 5 | Greece: 5 | Panama: 5 |
American Samoa: 10 | Greenland: 1 | Papua New Guinea: 1 |
Andorra: 1 | Grenada: 1 | Paraguay: 2 |
Angola: 2 | Guadeloupe: 5 | Peru: 2 |
Anguilla: 2 | Guam: 1 | Philippines: 5 |
Antigua and Barbuda: 1 | Guatemala: 2 | Poland: 5 |
Argentina: 5 | Guinea: 2 | Portugal: 2 |
Armenia: 5 | Guinea Bissau: 2 | Puerto Rico: 1 |
Aruba: 2 | Guyana: 1 | Qatar: 2 |
Australia: 2 | Haiti: 5 | Reunion: 8 |
Austria: 2 | Honduras: 2 | Romania: 5 |
Azerbaijan: 5 | Hong-Kong: 2 | Russia: 2 |
Bahamas: 2 | Hungary: 2 | Rwanda: 2 |
Bahrain: 2 | Iceland: 2 | Saint Barthelemy: 10 |
Bangladesh: 1 | India: 1 | Saint Helena: 10 |
Barbados: 2 | Indonesia: 2 | Saint Kitts and Nevis: 2 |
Belarus: 2 | Iran: 2 | Saint Lucia: 1 |
Belgium: 5 | Iraq: 1 | Saint Martin: 10 |
Belize: 1 | Ireland: 5 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon: 10 |
Benin: 2 | Israel: 1 | Saint Vincent and the Grenedines: 2 |
Bermuda: 2 | Italy: 5 | Samoa: 2 |
Bhutan: 1 | Jamaica: 1 | San Marino: 2 |
Bolivia: 1 | Japan: 5 | Sao Tome and Principe: 2 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 1 | Jordan: 2 | Saudi Arabia: 2 |
Botswana: 2 | Kazakhstan: 8 | Senegal: 5 |
Brazil: 2 | Kenya: 5 | Serbia: 1 |
British Indian Ocean Territory: Not supported | Kiribati: 10 | Seychelles: 5 |
British Virgin Islands: 10 | Kuwait: 1 | Sierra Leone: 2 |
Brunei: 1 | Kyrgyzstan: 2 | Singapore: 2 |
Bulgaria: 5 | Laos: 1 | Sint Maarten: 1 |
Burkina Faso: 2 | Latvia: 5 | Slovakia: 5 |
Burundi (Uburundi): 2 | Lebanon: 5 | Slovenia: 5 |
Cambodia: 1 | Lesotho: 2 | Solomon: 10 |
Cameroon: 5 | Liberia: 2 | Somalia: 10 |
Canada: 2 | Libya: 2 | South Africa: 2 |
Cape Verde: 1 | Liechtenstein: 2 | South Korea: 2 |
Caribbean Netherlands: Unspecified | Lithuania: 1 | South Sudan: 1 |
Cayman Islands: 2 | Luxembourg: 1 | Spain: 5 |
Central African Republic: 1 | Macau: 2 | Sri Lanka: 2 |
Chad: 5 | Macedonia: 5 | Sudan: 2 |
Chile: 5 | Madagascar: 2 | Suriname: 1 |
China: 2 | Malawi: 2 | Swaziland: 1 |
Colombia: 5 | Malaysia: 2 | Sweden: 2 |
Comoros: 1 | Maldives: 1 | Switzerland: 2 |
Congo DRC: 2 | Mali: 5 | Syria: 2 |
Congo Republic: 5 | Malta: 1 | Taiwan: 2 |
Cook: 2 | Marshall Islands: 10 | Tajikistan: 1 |
Costa Rica: 2 | Martinique: 5 | Tanzania: 5 |
Cote: 2 | Mauritania: 5 | Thailand: 2 |
Croatia: 2 | Mauritius: 2 | Timor-Leste: 5 |
Cuba: 2 | Mexico: 5 | Togo: 2 |
Curacao: Unspecified | Micronesia: 10 | Tokelau: 10 |
Cyprus: 1 | Moldova: 2 | Tonga: 1 |
Czech Republic: 5 | Monaco: 1 | Trinidad and Tobago: 2 |
Denmark: 1 | Mongolia: 2 | Tunisia: 1 |
Djibouti: 2 | Montenegro: 1 | Turkey: 2 |
Dominica: 1 | Montserrat: 1 | Trukmenistan: 5 |
Dominican Republic: 5 | Morocco: 2 | Turks and Caicos Islands: 1 |
Ecuador: 2 | Mozambique: 1 | Tuvalu: 10 |
Egypt: 2 | Myanmar (Burma): 10 | U.S. Virgin Islands: 1 |
El Salvador: 2 | Namibia: 2 | Uganda: 2 |
Equatorial Guinea: 1 | Nauru: 10 | Ukraine: 5 |
Eritrea: 10 | Nepal: 5 | United Arab Emirates: 2 |
Estonia: 5 | Netherlands: 5 | United Kingdom: 2 |
Ethiopia: 2 | New Caledonia: 2 | United States: 1 |
Falkland Islands: 2 | New Zealand: 5 | Uruguay: 2 |
Faroe Islands: 1 | Nicaragua: 2 | Uzbekistan: 1 |
Fiji: 1 | Niger: 2 | Vanuatu: 5 |
Finland: 2 | Nigeria: 5 | Vatican City: 10 |
France: 5 | Niue: 10 | Venezuela: 2 |
French Guiana: 8 | Norfolk Island: 1 | Vietnam: 5 |
French Polynesia: 1 | North Korea: 10 | Wallis and Futuna: 10 |
Gabon: 5 | Northern Mariana Islands: 10 | Yemen: 5 |
Gambia: 1 | Norway: 2 | Zambia: 5 |
Georgia: 1 | Oman: 5 | Zimbabwe: 5 |
Germany: 2 | Pakistan: 2 |