How to Use Merge Fields to Include Specific Details in an Alert

Merge Fields (also known as Text Override Values) are a feature of Rules in iMonnit where you enter text with a specific syntax into an Rule or alert message allowing the specialized text to be replaced by information from a triggering event. This allows you to customize the notification text to the recipient and include information specific to the triggering condition.

How Merge Fields Work

Configuring a Rule to include Merge Field Values allows you to provide dynamic information on the triggering event in the text to the recipient. You can also deliver details like the triggering sensor ID, name, date, reading, and other information in the message.

For example, a Rule configured with the following text in the Message field would result in the text message delivered to the recipient as shown in the corresponding screenshot.

Text entered into the Message (and SMS Message) Field:

“Temperature Data Greater Than 32 {ID} {Reading} {Time} {ReadingDate} {ReadingTime} {Name} {Reading}”

Rules Message

Recipient text message:

Recipient text message received

As you can see in the above example, the Merge Field Values are entered as specific text inside “{ }.” When the notification is sent to the recipient, iMonnit replaces these values with the corresponding information.

Available Merge Field Values

The values listed below are the available Merge Field Values which you can include in messages. You can view these inside the Rules> Select the Rule > Tasks > Edit Email/Edit Text, select the Merge Fields button located to the right of the message subject.

Rules Merge Fields

Available Merge Field Values:

{ID}: Unique ID of the sensor or gateway that triggered the notification

{Name}: Name of the sensor or gateway that triggered the notification

{Reading}: Current Reading of the notification

{Network}: Name of the sensor’s or gateway’s network

{Notification}: Name of the notification

{Subject}: Subject of the notification

{AccountNumber}: Your Monnit account number

{CompanyName}: Your company name

{Address}: Address of the account where the sensor should

{Address2}: Suite, apartment, or number of the account’s address

{City}: City of where the account is located

{State}: State of where the account is located

{PostalCode}: Postal code of where the account is located

{Country}: Country of where the account is located

{Date}: Date of the notification

{Time}: Time of the notification

{ReadingDate}: Current notification trigger date

{ReadingTime}: Current notification trigger time

{OriginalReadingDate}: Original notification triggering date

{OriginalReadingTime}: Original notification triggering time

{OriginalReading}: Original Reading that triggered the notification

{Acknowledge}: Link to Acknowledge a notification (email only)

{AcknowledgeURL}: The raw URL of the link to Acknowledge a notification

For security, special characters utilized in HTML may not be supported. The exception to this are the ">" and "<" (greater than and less than) symbols. These characters can be included in the alert text only if there is a space preceding and following the character.


Configuring Merge Field Values as part of your notifications can expand your capabilities with iMonnit and bring more clarity to your data. If you have related inquiries about Merge Field Values, feel free to contact Monnit Support.

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