If the iMonnit Express 4.0 Service Will Not Start - Error 1064

After installing the iMonnit Express 4 software, you may see the error, “Error 1064: An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request” when attempting to start the iMonnit Express service. If you see this, there is a conflict with another application. This article will help you address this.

Error 1064: An exception occured...

Common Causes:

  • VMWare
  • iMonnit Enterprise software
  • Other websites hosted by the machine
  • Windows Updates
  • Lack of permissions for the User to run the service
  • Incompatible version of Windows; only Windows 10 Home is supported. Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise, and Server are not supported. Also, Windows 8 and earlier are not supported.
    • Generally the cause of this is having Active Directory enabled. Express does not currently support Active Directory.

Resolving the issue:

  • Use the Network tab of Resource Monitor in Windows to determine if another service is utilizing ports 443 or 3000. If you determine that another application is using one of these ports, you will need to stop the service in order to operate iMonnit Express.
  • Use IIS to stop running any locally hosted websites.

Windows Updates:

Windows updates can cause the .db file to be moved. Check your local C: drive to determine if there is a Windows.old folder present. If there is, a Windows update likely moved/removed your Express database. See this article for creating a new database.

  • Uninstall Express
  • Reinstall Express

If the issue persists, you will need to figure out what other software might be conflicting with the Express service on TCP ports 80, 443, or 3000. Feel free to contact support@monnit.com for feedback.

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